Does LiveWell Really Work?
We can now answer that question with a definitive YES. Portland State University’s Institute on Aging surveyed 107 staff working in 47 assisted living or residential care facilities who participated in LiveWell training or coaching between 2019-2021.
Among the findings, PSU’s evaluators found a significant positive change in staff satisfaction and their perception of their own ability to make changes. After learning the LiveWell Method, staff felt they were working as a team 30% more than before LiveWell. They also felt 20%-25% more able to spend time with residents, contribute to care plans, and participate in quality improvement projects.
These results show that the LiveWell program contributes to widespread improvement in staff morale and quality of care for residents. In this time of COVID resurgence and staffing crisis, long-term care facilities need LiveWell to ensure the safety and wellbeing of residents and staff.
(Figure 8, excerpted from Evaluation of the LiveWell Method, Final Report, Portland State University Institute on Aging, 2021.)
Evaluators at PSU also found that staff satisfaction increased in multiple areas after doing LiveWell. Staff were on average 20% more satisfied with teamwork within their facility and the way management and direct care staff worked together after doing LiveWell. They were also more satisfied with the feedback on how well they are doing, attention paid to their observations and opinions, the way the community is managed, and recognition for their work.
We know that higher staff satisfaction means higher staff retention. LiveWell improves staff morale and provides stability for communities struggling to hold on to staff.
LiveWell works. Our team is here to help leaders and staff bring LiveWell to long-term care facilities. Please let those in your network know that applications for the next virtual learning collaborative aree available online. If you are not based in Oregon, we can support you in a number of ways. Just reach out and email Barbara.
(Figure 9, excerpted from Evaluation of the LiveWell Method, Final Report, Portland State University Institute on Aging, 2021.)
Over time LiveWell has been shown to significantly improve staff morale and staff retention while reducing falls, medication errors, and other areas. Improving quality also reduces costs, as you can see in our white paper. Interested in learning more? Check out the rest of this blog.
Have you been to a LiveWell Meet Up? This is a great way to stay connected or drop in to meet your peers and learn about a new topic. We offer these twice a month, 30 min. each. Check upcoming Meet Ups on our website's calendar.
Wishing You and Your Communities a Glorious Summer,
— Barbara, Jennifer, Ann, Jenny, Steve, Marcus, Paula, Serena, and Judy