There’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing LiveWell participants create positive change in their communities. During the final presentations of our most recent learning collaborative, participants showed how they improved teamwork and communication, safety, and visual management. They also shared how they’re putting into practice the five core principles of the LiveWell Method – Engage, Empower, Explore, Excel, and Evolve.
“...I feel like from what I've gleaned in this program is we want to have better teamwork. We want to have a better life, work balance. We want staff to take the steps they need to improve so that then they have better productivity or outcomes are better…” — Luz Martell, Director of Nursing
“Personally for me, I'd normally would not think about at all in terms of like how my day to day goes and like how to kind of like tackle issues or trying to like the root cause analysis. It kind of forces the team to come together and brainstorm things.” - Alexander Landers, Resident Care Coordinator
“Making sure that frontline care staff feel like they're heard and that we want to hear their ideas, concerns, and needs. Everyone needs to be involved, to engage in dialogue about new ideas, especially close observation of resident safety. It takes a village for the common good.” — Alena Mellgren, Administrator
Virtual Learning Collaborative Member, Jonathon Thompson, Director of Maintenance, from the Spring '23 cohort shares LiveWell's positive impact on teamwork!
“Communication has been incredibly better. (On) emotional intelligence: I think that we have been improving. It's been hard trying to coach the staff to be accountable, and it has been kind of a turning point that's definitely improved. – We talked about Diversity and inclusion and how it's it's a complete community mindset.” — Jennifer Cicero, Administrator
Why should you join a learning cohort and do LiveWell?
Because it helps you create the kind of communities where staff and residents thrive together. Where literally everyone works in sync to innovate care, nurture dignity, build community, and honor elders. It is possible. We can do this if we focus on five core principles:
ENGAGE: LiveWell offers practices and tools that include everyone, which helps staff and residents build an equitable and inclusive community. Every person knows that they belong and are a valuable part of making their community a better place to live and work.
EMPOWER: These same practices and tools improve teamwork and communication, making it easy for people to take meaningful action in order to improve the care and safety of residents and staff.
EXPLORE: Curiosity about new ideas, technologies, and ways of living and working is key to becoming an innovative learning organization.
EXCEL: LiveWell-trained teams know what excellent care looks like, use their strengths to model excellent teamwork and communication, and are skilled in best practices of tracking measuring, root cause analysis, and tests of change.
EVOLVE: Over time, organizations that are committed to excellence and a growth mindset find learning opportunities everywhere. They develop a culture that sustains continuous improvement, nurtures innovation, and above all ensures that everyone belongs.
LiveWell also helps retain staff and build community. Communities that do LiveWell have a 60% decrease in staff turnover. LiveWell also improves the quality of life for staff AND residents. Residents have fewer falls and fewer medication errors, while staff experience fewer workplace injuries.
LiveWell communities also reduce their costs: reduced falls and increased staff retention help communities save an average of $135,900 annually.
Here's the rustle of Fall leaves,
— Barbara, Steve, Andy, Marcus, Cecilia, Whitney, Ann, Miles, and Judy, and Ana